Goal: An personal project to further develop my creative skills and experiment with new methods of design. The aim is to create a selection of album covers to fit a variety of moods and styles with eye-catching and appealing designs to entice the audience to listen. The main target audience is lovers of the electronic and underground music scene.
Solution: A varied library of album covers to suit a range of electronic music styles and moods. A range of techniques has been used to reveal the true essence of each album. For example, experimenting with photomanipulation and glitch effects to appeal to current trends while revealing a heavy style of music. Or creating more ripped back designs for a rustic feel revealing more of industrial style techno. Some of the covers have been created through hours of experimentation with physical material such as drip painting before bringing it into the digital realm. Overall the library of covers reveals a selection of techniques and styles that can be applied into the music industry from digital campaigns to printed designs.
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